
sunday school 9 am, sunday Worship service 10 am. Wednesday Bible Study 6:30pm

by: Nick Vaughn



Seem like a strange question? After all, aren't we all basically hoping for the same things? Things like good health, prosperity, happiness, and love, to name a few. Why is it that when we achieve what we have hoped for, there is still something missing?

Could it be that we are destined to pursue something greater? Maybe God has a more purposeful design for our lives? Maybe with a redirection in our pursuits we will find what has been missing.

What if health, happiness, prosperity, and love are results of pursuing and knowing Jesus? What if their is no real lasting hope without Him?

Pursuing has at its root the purpose of overtaking or catching what you are after. If we never find satisfaction and internal peace through achieving our goals, by definition we are not even in pursuit.

Could it be that the thing missing is not more stuff, but a relationship with Jesus. After all Jesus said "I came that they would have life and life to its fullest. He is waiting on you to start pursuing!

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Seem like a strange question? After all, aren't we all basically hoping for the same things? Things like good health, prosperity, happiness, and love, to name a few. Why is it that when we achieve what we have hoped for, there is still something missing?

Could it be that we are destined to pursue something greater? Maybe God has a more purposeful design for our lives? Maybe with a redirection in our pursuits we will find what has been missing.

What if health, happiness, prosperity, and love are results of pursuing and knowing Jesus? What if their is no real lasting hope without Him?

Pursuing has at its root the purpose of overtaking or catching what you are after. If we never find satisfaction and internal peace through achieving our goals, by definition we are not even in pursuit.

Could it be that the thing missing is not more stuff, but a relationship with Jesus. After all Jesus said "I came that they would have life and life to its fullest. He is waiting on you to start pursuing!

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